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It is essential to the success of the company and to the security of everyone's job that the company meet it's production schedules on time and is able to service it's customers or clients adequately. To accomplish this objective, regular and prompt attendance at work is required of all employees.

It is the employee's responsibility to ensure that proper notification is given. Notification received from another employee, friend, or relative is not considered proper, except under emergency conditions. THE EMPLOYEE SHOULD TALK TO THEIR SUPERVISOR AND NOT TO A CO-WORKER.
Grounds for absence: An excused absence may include personal or family illness, jury duty or other reasons that would require employees to miss all or part of a scheduled workday. Employees should be able to substantiate one of these reasons should the Company ask them to do so. Such absences will be excused if employees ask their supervisors for the necessary time off in advance (and obtain approval) or if they call in between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.
Any employee not working a minimum of three hours either before noon or after noon will be considered gone for the entire morning or afternoon. This time off will be deducted from any personal leave time accrued if any is remaining. If the employee does not have any personal leave accrued he will not be paid for his time off.
An employee who fails to call in for three successive days or fails to call in the next day if they have no accrued time off, will be considered to have terminated employment with the Company.
Frequent absence/documentation: If an employee's attendance record indicates frequent absences, he or she will be required to document reasons for subsequent absences at the request of management, so that the absences can be determined to be excusable or not.
