

This Company believes that each employee has the right to be free from harassment because of age, color, creed, national origin, or sex. Sexual harassment is defined as the following:
Unwelcome physical contact;
Sexually explicit language or gestures;
Flirting, sexing, making propositions, or insinuations by females or males to either sex. Wearing sexual appealing attire. Communicating any sexual matters or gossip to others or to third parties via the Internet or any other transmission methods.
Uninvited or unwanted sexual advances; or an offensive overall environment, including the use of vulgar language, the presence of sexually explicit photographs or other materials and the telling of sexual stories.
Sexual harassment can come from supervisors, fellow employees, or customers. Men as well as women can be victims of sexual harassment. This Company cannot stress enough that it will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment.
The Manager at each location is responsible for dealing with harassment incidents, which includes dealing with complaints that employees bring to his or her attention and identifying harassing situations on his or her own. If a complaint is brought to the Manager, then the Manager needs to notify the Human Resource Department immediately. Complaints will be investigated and if the allegation is sustained, the responsible employee will be disciplined. If harassment continues, the responsible individual will be terminated immediately. Responsible customers who do not change their behavior after a polite request from the Manager will be denied entrance.
If the complaint is against a Manager, the complaint should be brought to the attention of the President or Human Resource Department. If, at any point in this process, the employee is dissatisfied with the investigation being conducted, the employee is to bring the matter to the attention of the President's office.
