

Medical emergencies can occur without warning and can require immediate action. To respond to such emergencies, adequate first aid facilities and training are required.
1. Each location, should be equipped with a first aid kit that is highly visible, and that is inspected and replenished on a regular basis.
2. Each location should have emergency phone numbers posted in prominent places.
3. All injuries, no matter how slight, should be reqported to your supervisor.
4. Those work crews performing work in the field should be given sufficient information, such that they know the location of the nearest emergency medical facilities and know how to contact emergency services if required.
1. Appropriate clothing and footwear should be worn on the job.
2. Personal protective safety equipment assigned to the employee should be maintained in good condition and used as required.
3. Employees who find that they lack required personal protective equipment should immediately contact their supervisor to obtain needed equipment.
4. Use only clean personal protective equipment.
5. In high noise areas approved hearing protection should be worn.
6. Approved eye protection should be worn when working with chemicals, welding, grinding, or exposed to flying objects.
7. A respirator should be worn in dusty conditions or when exposed to excessive concentrations of gases and fumes. The correct type of respirator should be worn for the exposure encountereed.
8. Employees should not work at heights that exposes them to a serious fall without adequate protection. Work areas should have adequate handrails or the employee should be tied off.
9. Supervisors have the responsibility to make certain that employees use personal protective equipment when conditions warrant or are required by regulations.
10. To remind employees to use personal protective safety equipment, appropriate signs and posters should be posted in those areas requiring such use.
