

1. Before receiving a customer's equipment, tanks, tank trucks, etc., on our property, the other party's property should not contain any hazardous wastes. Pumps and pipe connections should be drained and washed thoroughly prior to being serviced by our personnel.
2. All Personnel should wear protective clothing and or devices when handling hazardous wastes.
3. Take all steps necessary to prepare for and prevent accidents from occurring.
4. Clean up any spills and dispose of the wastes properly.
5. Store ignitable or reactive wastes as far as possible away from your facility to create a safety zone between it and your operation.
6. Never mix wastes of more than one type in the same container that could cause an adverse chemical reaction.
7. Inspect your containers regularly.
8. Keep all containers closed to the atmosphere.
9. Do not store wastes in containers that could rupture, leak or fail due to corrosion.
10. Keep containers in good handling condition.
11. Clearly mark each container with the words: "Hazardous Waste", put it's description, and the date last emptied.
See attached list of identification numbers for common hazardous wastes.
