

To respond to emergencies, it is important that the Company and the location be prepared.
1. Each location should have a written emergency response plan. This plan should be placed in an EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN folder, and maintained every 12 months. This plan should identify the different types of emergencies that could occur at the location, what response will be taken to each of these services, and those who are assigned to oversee and administer the plan. This plan will be reviewed by management on a periodic basis.
2. Emergency phone numbers that are posted should have the numbers posted for medical emergency, fire, police, and ambulance service.
3. Every employee should be aware of every emergency exit in the building.
4. Periodic emergency drills should be held so that employees will know how to respond to various emergencies. The minimum period between drills should be not more than 6 months. A written record of all drills held at the Company's location should be maintained in the Emergency Response Plan folder for a period of at least 18 months.
5. Upon the evacuaton of the location, an accounting of all personnel should be determined.
6. If a response to a particular emergency requires the shutting down of equipment, then specific individuals should be assigned to carry out the required shutdown task.
7. Where practical, an emergency response team should be formed and trained. Needed equipment for such a response should be assembled and maintained at the location.
8. If the location has any individuals that are handicapped, then an individual(s) should be assigned the task of assisting the handicapped person in evacuating the location.
